Alumina Limited Brand
Identity & Collateral
Identity & Collateral
Alumina Limited is a major player in the local and international alumina and bauxite industry. When the time came to refresh its brand, ERD helped them discover a rich new vein of identity.

We derived inspiration from the diversity of natural environments in which Alumina Limited operates, to create a look and feel that is at once contemporary and impactful.
The shapes and textures of different environments inspired graphic patterns reminiscent of valleys, mountains, horizons and more. These flowed through to a stylised design approach which anchors the visual language.

Combined with our evolution of the brand colour palette, whose flexible hues now better reflect the company’s commitment to environment, sustainability and good governance, we were able to suggest undulations, land formations and flowing expanses through design.

Across printed and electronic collateral, the new visual language stands out as fresh, relevant and expressive.

Photography by Joe Vittorio / Ms Office Templates by Six Two Creative / Digital print by Bambra Press