Alumina Limited 2022
Annual Reporting Suite
Annual Reporting Suite
The 2022 reporting suite eagerly embraced Alumina Limited’s theme Aluminium – Metal for the Future to highlight the pivotal role of aluminium in shaping a sustainable future. Our primary objective was to effectively communicate this positive message and deliver a new level of engagement to this year’s report.

To achieve this, we featured a metallic ink in the Report and Review as a key design element that served to elevate the theme and add a touch of sophistication to the overall presentation.

The design also adopted a thoughtful minimalist approach to highlight Alumina Limited’s assets through the compelling use of photography. The newly captured imagery showcases the various aspects of alumina production including mining, refining and distribution. By incorporating these evocative images the company could effectively demonstrate their comprehensive operations, while engaging audiences with the essence of their industry and rehabilitation efforts.

It was important to also educate audiences about Alumina Limited's role in producing the raw material, alumina, which serves as the foundation for creating this remarkable metal.
To achieve this, we developed a stylised representation of refined alumina powder into the report through captivating dot patterns and graphics. This artistic element delivered as a subtle yet powerful reminder of the raw material used to produce aluminium.

Print by Southern Impact